What payment methods are accepted?

We accept all major credit and debit cards (such as VISA, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX) and PayPal payments.

Are there any exchange rates?

All of our transactions are based in $USD. An exchange rate will be applied at checkout which is in accordance with the daily exchange rate of the date your card issuer processes the transaction.

How long are the shipping times?

The fulfillment of the order takes 1-2 days and shipping times are usually around 10-15 days. For more information, please visit the Shipping Page.

How can I track my package?

Once the order has been shipped, we will email your tracking number and tracking website. For more information, visit the Shipping Page.

How can I see the trees Apollo's Divine has planted?

How do is the CO2 removed calculated?

To calculate the CO2 removed, we need to know 2 values:

      1. The CO2 produced from manufacturing and shipping
      2. The CO2 absorbed by the trees planted

1.The CO2 produced from manufacturing and shipping one product
To find the CO2produced from manufacturing and shipping a product, we look at themanufacturing and shipping process separately. Firstly, formanufacturing, we look at the average CO2 produced for creating thematerials for our products (such as stainless steel for our Chártisbracelets). This is where the majority of the CO2 is released inproduction.

Thenfor the shipping, which is where more than 90% of the CO2 is releasedin supplying the product, we make some assumptions to overestimate theCO2 produced to be sure that we are not overestimating the CO2 removed.We assume that all of the shipping is done by plane (which is the mostpolluting form of shipment) and that the product is shipped a distanceof half the circumference of the Earth (which is physically the most anyshipment will ever have to travel). We use https://www.carboncare.org/en/co2-emissions-calculator.html to calculate the CO2e produced (the Carbon Dioxide and CO2 equivalents emitted) during such a shipment.

Addingtogether the values of CO2 produced from manufacturing and shipment, weobtain the total amount of CO2 produced for one of our products.

2. The CO2 absorbed by the trees planted
Finding the CO2 absorbed by the treesplanted is easier, as Tree-Nation provides a value for the kilograms ofCO2 absorbed by the trees we have planted. You can also see this here: https://tree-nation.com/profile/apollos-divine.

Finally, by using the equation:    CO2 Removed = CO2 Absorbed - CO2 Produced    we obtain the kg of CO2 Removed.

For any other questions, please contact us here or send us an email at contact@apollosdivine.com