Shipping & Delivery

Apollo's Divine is proud to offer international shipping services to over 200 countries/areas.



Shipping time varies by location and orders are typically processed in 1-2 business days.

Due to Apollo's Divine currently being a small scale start up, as well as the customizable nature of our products, we make use of one production center, meaning delivery takes between 15-25 days depending on the destination country (for the US, it is between 20-35 days unless express shipping is chosen, which is usually 5-10 days), as we are at the hands of international shipping companies (we would choose to ship them faster if we could!!!).

Please note that, during and around busy seasons such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, etc, the time may be longer because of the large demand for shipment of packages and limited capacity of shipping companies.

We do our best to get your products to you as fast as possible!!!

*All shipping times exclude unforeseeable clearance/customs delays



You will receive an email with a tracking number once your order is shipped. Depending on the destination, different tracking will be used. It may be the case that for the first few days, there will be no tracking information as it can take time for the information about the parcel to update on the system.



Apollo's Divine is not liable if the incorrect address is placed during the checkout process. Please make sure that your billing and shipping address is correct before processing your order. If we have made an error we will fully take responsibility of the original order that was made for you at no charge.

Albeit unlikely to occur, by purchasing our products you are responsible for any customs charges.